Logo by Chris Mercaldo

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oscar's Trashcan Bandstand

 Image from WebShots
Oscar's Trashcan Bandstand was a play area near Big Bird's Rambling River.

The area featured instruments made of objects like this upside down tub:
 Image from WebShots

Later, the area was converted into a game of chance titled Ernie's Duck Pond:

When it was Oscar's Trashcan Bandstand it was up a small flight of stairs:
  Image from WebShots

You can see how the cement is slightly different colored in the area where it was replaced when the steps were removed:
Image from Google Street Views


  1. Wow! I can't believe they got rid of the steel drums! I remember playing them every year when I was a kid!

  2. I know! Looks like a fun diversion for the kids. Too bad it's gone!

  3. I *think* I remember these? A lot of these articles are reminding me of things I'd forgotten, but sometimes I'm not sure if I'm manufacturing memories. Would it have been there in 1990?
